Mars UFOs, Martians and More (

UFOs on Mars?
Mars UFOs, Martians and Life on Mars

by Robert Hughey (Google+)

There’s some big questions regarding Mars that we can’t really answer yet – about its history and about its present as well.

Pic of Cold Mars, see Curiosity Rover UFO Sighting on
Beautiful, Cold Mars. We struggle to find water, but it might surprise you to see what Mars looks like in the middle of its Winter. Those ice caps are frozen carbon dioxide: Dry Ice.
  • Does Mars have life on it currently? 

  • Did Life on Mars exist in the past? 

  • If so, did Mars ever have Intelligent Life

  • Does any relationship exist between Life on Earth and Mars?

  • Why is Martian Life, even microscopic life, worth spending billions on?

For more information and the rest of this post on the beautiful red Martian planet, check out the page on 4UFOs.